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Category Archives: Article

accept our own "stupidity"

Recognize to accept our own “stupidity”

Recognize to accept our own “stupidity” . Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, said of “the realization of the ignorance”: “I don’t know anything. The only thing that I do not know anything about ”because of acceptance. Or realize that we “don’t know” or that we have “stupidity”

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What is stalker?

What is stalker? Many people like themselves, have a lot of “fans” to keep track of them, send them encouragement, send gifts, do good things for you, but do you believe that? There may be some fans who are following and trapped in various locations and

Simple things for couples

Simple things for couples

Simple things for couples. Most people tend to view relationships Or the matter of having a lover that is difficult. So what makes many people think that way? That is because some couples may never use a simple method. In building a relationship, which actually is not a difficult

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Things you need to know about good and bad carbohydrates.

Things you need to know about good and bad carbohydrates. There is a growing interest in carbohydrates. After the current keto diet (Keto diet) by eating less carbs. To accelerate the removal of body fat for energy Making it more important to consider that the carbohydrates are less How to

music Express yourself

Your favorite genre of music Express yourself

Guess your favorite genre of music Express yourself. What is the reason for liking one good song for you? Are those lyrics, melodies, rhythms or genres of music? Healing suffering It can also indicate the character and identity of the audience as well. What is going to be, must