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Category Archives: knowledge

Choosing Hand washing alcohol

Choosing Hand washing alcohol

I cannot deny that Hand-washing alcohol is a barrier to disease that everyone should carry. Because of the rush hour or when it is inconvenient to wash your hands with soap and clean water Small bottles of alcohol can greatly reduce the risk of contracting certain diseases and

the bedroom according to Feng Shui principles.

The bedroom according to Feng Shui principles.

Decorate the bedroom according to Feng Shui principles. Can it really help with sleep? Feng Shui is a form of ancient science that originated from China. Which is about the belief in the arrangement of space and objects in the room to have the energy of

Bedroom decorating Ideas for Sleeping Healthy.

Bedroom decorating Ideas for Sleeping Healthy

Bedroom decorating Ideas for Sleeping Healthy. Many people might think that the bedroom decoration is just for beauty. But in fact Choosing the right bedroom ideas is another factor that will help improve the quality of your sleep. Setting up a bedroom environment with bedtime behavior adjustments will

Right or left handed

Right or left handed can indicate brain activity

Right or left handed can indicate brain activity.From surveys and research, it was found that Right-hander. It is estimated to be 85 percent and left-handed people make up only 15 percent of the global population. But if asked, is it necessary to change from a left-handed person to

Exercising the right way

Exercising the right way

Exercising the right way is being healthy is a wonderful thing that everyone desires. The word healthy here means that we take care of ourselves properly. Since about exercising regularly Eating healthy food Adequate rest Disease prevention Reducing or stopping things that affect your health This will result in the body being

Does collagen for bones really work?

Does collagen for bones really work?

Does collagen for bones really work? Many people have a lot of misconceptions about collagen. From advertising for beauty products in the form of skin care supplements But the reality is There are different types of collagen. Each of which provides different benefits for the body. How many types

how to get rid of gastroenteritis

How to get rid of gastroenteritis?

Know how to get rid of gastroenteritis and treat it properly. Gastritis is a common disease of all genders and ages, but is more prevalent in the working age group. This comes from eating not on time, having stress, drinking alcohol, etc. If symptoms are severe May

7 ways to inspire employees

7 ways to inspire employees

7 ways to inspire employees.  When having to do the same job over and over for a long time May feel bored Not challenging in the work that you are doing Or as we often call it out of the fire itself. The state of power It has a great effect

Tetanus is dangerous than you think!

Tetanus is dangerous than you think!

   Tetanus is dangerous than you think!  How scary is this name tetanus in our feelings? It is believed that many people have heard more or less the story of this tetanus disease. With the picture remembering that ‘rust’ is equal to ‘tetanus’, despite the fact that tetanus

Simple tips to take care of yourself

Simple tips to take care of yourself

Simple tips to take care of yourself to be healthy. Many people are setting new goals. Whether it is a job and a job Life goals Including being healthy. Can see that nowadays people turn their attention and pay more attention to health. It’s making ourself sleep well  Or getting out