9 great benefits that should not be overlooked of “coconut water”

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Coconut is “super food” or food that is high in nutrition and good for health is a top priority. There is no need to buy from a city outside of the rice fields. ” Coconut “ is our home. It’s cheap, good, and it’s definitely useful.

great benefits that should not be overlooked of “coconut water”

  1. Helps treat dehydration. When ever you feel thirsty or the body is dehydrate Coconut water will help to add water in the body at the same time. With useful minerals and sweet and refreshing taste from nature. So athletes UFABET can drink instead of drinking mineral water after exercise comfortably.
  2. Coconut water is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3 , B6, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, amino acids and proteins that are good for the body as well.
  3. helps to strengthen collagen and elastin to the skin making the skin firm shine bright
  4. Contains cytokines that help maintain healthy hormones in the body. take care of growth And the development of the body helps to slow down aging and helps reduce diseases that often come with old age, such as dementia (Alzheimer’s disease), etc.
  5. Helps digestion and reduces acid reflux.
  6. Helps relieve stomach pain from gastritis
  7. diuretic Relieve symptoms of cystitis
  8. If you have a headache from dehydration Drinking coconut water will help relieve headaches quickly.
  9. If you have nausea, vomiting, or a hangover, you can drink coconut water to relieve it.

100 grams of coconut water provides 79 kcal of energy. So it is a low-calorie food. but refreshing as well. Suitable for all ages But for anyone with kidney disease and diabetes , may need to consult a doctor. To find the right amount for the body. After all, It is fruit juice with sugar. and potassium.