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Tag Archives: baby

5 simple tricks to exercise your goals by yourself.

Now that you’ve set your goals and know how to exercise them. Here are some great tips to help you exercise results. 1. Drink water before exercise. About 3 hours before exercise. You should drink 2-3 glasses of water and during you should drink water

Baby feeding and Fundamentals of caring for a newborn.

Baby feeding and Fundamentals of caring for a newborn

Baby feeding and Fundamentals of caring for a newborn. Babies may need extra suckling at birth. Mothers may need to breastfeed often. Also should be given the amount of milk that the child needs. In the first weeks, approximately 8-12 feedings should be given in 24 hours.

Fundamentals of caring for a newborn

Fundamentals of caring for a newborn

Fundamentals of caring for a newborn. After the birth of a baby while recuperating in the hospital Parents should ask the doctor or nurse about basic care for the baby. Understanding the body of a newborn baby and record the changes in the baby’s growth to see if it