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Tag Archives: covid19

5 simple tricks to exercise your goals by yourself.

Now that you’ve set your goals and know how to exercise them. Here are some great tips to help you exercise results. 1. Drink water before exercise. About 3 hours before exercise. You should drink 2-3 glasses of water and during you should drink water

Itchy throat , what to eat and how to relieve symptoms?

          If you can’t be bothered by the itchy throat that won’t go away. We have some methods that may help relieve symptoms to improve. Let’s go to knowledge for you. Drink plenty of warm water to reduce irritation. helps dissolve phlegm Suck on cough candies or

Covid omicron how to violent.

          The Omicron mutant coronavirus can spread 2-5 times faster than previous strains. And may become the dominant strain in the future to replace the Delta. After a sharp increase in infections in countries such as the United States. Where the number

What is Corona Virus?

What is Corona Virus?

What is Corona Virus? Corona is a virus shaped like a crown. First found in the mid-1960s with four major coronavirus strains. But the most prevalent is SARS-CoV, first found in China in 2002-2003, which has spread all over the world. And It has a high